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Within the association, the Trinity Combat Concept, developed by Hendrik Röber, is covering the areas of unarmed self-defense and knife defense/knife fighting as a system that is pragmatic and easy to learn. It is offered in all clubs worldwide next to the Irish Stick Fighting program.


"Trinity" stands for the three training sectors, which are covered in the system. To consider all relevant aspects of self defense, we train:

Empty hand (H2H Combat)

Knife fighting / sharp weapons

Stick fighting (Umbrella defense) / blunt weapons


In all three sectors, we teach only techniques and strategies that will work in high stress situations and are based on gross motor skills and instinctive movement patterns. Designed for universal applicability, the same bodymechanics and movements are used unarmed or with weapons, so also beginners will make progress quickly.
Trinity Combat is not a sport, but rather a pure, uncompromising self-defense system, which is focused on the rapid neutralizing of any threat.


The techniques used for this purpose are highly dangerous and meant to cause injury, for this reason we require all practitioners to have a clean police record, we want to be sure our techniques are used for protection and defense, not abused or used in a negative destructive manner.



Hendrik Röber, born 1962, startet soon, after his military service, to teach civil self defense as well as close combat for police and military. With a strong focus on weapontraining, due his professional needs as close protection operator, he developed his own self-defense system which covered H2H, knife, stick and firearms combat: TRINITY COMBAT CONCEPTS
He also released a book about knife defense / sharp violence in 2007 as well as severall video publications.
When he met
Glen Doyle in Canada 2010 he found a traditional stick fighting style which fully corresponded to his idea of effectiveness and applicability.

After becoming two-time Irish stick fighting World Champion, he decided to bring the style back to Europe and so, ISF WORLDWIDE was born. After many successful years, giving seminars all over the planet and certifing numberus of Instructors for Doyle Irish stick fighting as well as TRINITY COMBAT CONCEPTS, he retired of leading the association in 2022.
He still runs his school, THE FIGHTZONE, which is located in Albstadt, Germany.

His most experienced Instructor and first student since the early days,
Kamil Feucht, is now responsible for the association together with Markus Allocca (ISFW since 2011).


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